EzPG Potentiostat/Galvanostat

Specifically designed for University and Analytical Laboratories where a more complex potentiostats with high current is required.
Easy to use PC based software for setup, graphical display and analysis.
Simply connect to your PC via a USB cable.
5 user selectable current ranges of 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 milliamps which can either be set manually or automatically controlled.
Techniques and Options
applied potential:+/- 2 V
compliance voltage +/- 12V
max applied current:100 mA
max scan rate:10,000 mV per second
applied output resolution: (V&I) 1mV & 1 µA
measured input resolution (V&I):0.1 mV & 100 pA
reading intervals:1,5,10, 60, 120, 300, 600 second
number of readings1 to 10000
The instrument is powered by by a mains adapter.
Methods include Cyclic Voltammetry, Linear Sweep Voltammetry, Chronoamperometry, Square Wave Voltammetry, Differential Pulse Voltammetry, ASV and CSV.
Cyclic Voltammetry
+/- 2.0V start and end potential
1 mV/sec to 10V/sec scan rate
1 to 10 cycles (0 - 1000 seconds delay between cycles)
1,2,5,10 mV potential steps
1 - 1000 millisec sample intervals
Linear Sweep Voltammetry
+/- 2.0V start and end potential
1 mV/sec to 10V/sec scan rate
1,2,5,10 mV potential steps
1 - 1000 millisec sample intervals
+/- 2.0 V applied potential
5,10,20,50,100,500,1000 millisecs reading intervals
1 to 1000 readings
+/- 2.0V applied potential
1,5,10,30,60,300,600 second reading intervals
1 to 5000 readings
Square Wave Voltammetry
+/- 2.0V start and end potential
10 mV/sec to 10V/sec scan rate
1,2,5,10, 20 mV potential steps
10 - 500 Hz sampling
5 - 200 mV amplitude
Differential Pulse Voltammetry
+/- 2.0V start and end potential
10 mV/sec to 10V/sec scan rate
1,2,5,10, 20 mV potential steps
5 - 500 millisec pulse width
5 - 200 mV amplitude
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
+/- 2.0V conditioning potential
1 second to 30 minutes conditioning/depostion time
Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry
+/- 2.0V conditioning potential
1 second to 30 minutes conditioning/depostion time