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Laboratory Instrumentation

Over the last 25 years we have developed many bench top potentiostats as well as custom instruments unique to client needs. Below are a few examples.


The ezeScan was one of the first low cost laboratory potentiostats on the market in 2000. During the products life time, four versions were produced, ending with the very successful ezeScan4. Many of these potentiostats were supplied to academic institution for teaching and research projects as well as start-up compamies.

Neural Probe Amplifier

These amplifiers designed for neurophysiological teaching at a Rusell Group University allowed the whole class to perform similar students experiments simultaneously.

Fuel cell Controller

One of our major clients requested that we develop a  complete fuel cell control system with its own software to control heaters, gas flow, and load current. The software allowed experiment scripts to be down loaded into the instruments and data collected from the various sensors. Twelve units were supplied to fully automate their complete laboratory as well as booster units to increase the current load from 30 amps to 150 amps.


The ezePG was develeped as a high current version of the ezeScan potentiostat. It included a galvanostat mode as well as being supplied with corrosion software. The control software was designed to allow users to easily change between the ezeScan and ezPG.

Mini Potentiostat

The mini potentiostat was developed to replace the ezeScan potentiostat. It is not supplied as a standard laboratory potentiostat as the ezeScan was, but as a custom unit to allow customers to test and verify methods before moving to micro instrumentation.

Electroplating Unit

This multi channel electroplating unit was designed to control plating baths and conditions and to be operated in a clean room environment. It has operated for over twelve years without modification or repair.

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